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Étude de cas 22.05.15

City of Victoriaville


The Context

Located in the administrative region of Centre-du-Québec, Victoriaville occupies a territory of approximately 85 km2 and serves a population of more than 48,000 citizens. Wishing to implement Citadel in its organization, the city already has a large amount of information and data on its assets in various forms - Excel spreadsheets, geomatic software, third-party software -, a good expertise in data processing, as well as a geomatic department. 

The Project and its Objectives

The City hopes to implement a comprehensive solution that provides a high level of interoperability with third-party systems to standardize its asset management. Specifically, it aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Select and structure the data already available for import into Citadel in order to start using it;
  • Avoid data duplication and having to update information in multiple software;
  • Start the CMMS with Citadel.

The Solution

Listening to the City's specific needs, our team held several collaborative work meetings to jointly determine the short, medium and long-term usage objectives. The use of CMMS in building management was targeted as a primary objective: the City already had a list of municipal buildings in its geomatics software and this was identified as a need by the new building maintenance manager. The City also had the complete inventory of the components of the city hall and the maintenance to be done in an Excel spreadsheet made by an external specialized firm.  

Among all the actions taken, we identified what data was available and how best to structure it, and then determined what data exchanges were required between the various software programs used by the City.

The Result

The collaborative work meetings allowed us to target the best department to start the CMMS with, namely Building maintenance. Although its geomatic database was relatively extensive, the city of Victoriaville now benefits from a tool for planning and tracking maintenance and repair work. Moreover, Citadel has allowed the city to divide the buildings into numerous child assets, allowing for a micro and macro monitoring of the building stock.

In fact, by importing and structuring its data in Citadel, the company ensures that the archived information of the different buildings is standardized and that it will remain relevant in the future.